Ústav pro hospodářskou úpravu lesů Brandýs nad Labem

The biodiversity (FE/C4)

Number of stems [pc./ha].

NFI more detailed results are available here.

Geographical domain
Sorting criterion
Point estimate
The most probable value
Standard deviation
Point estimate standard deviation
Variation coef. %
Procentual expression of the standard deviation since the point estimation values
Sample size
Sample size
Min. sample size
Min. sample size
Interval estimation
Interval estimation

Table information

Topic: The biodiversity (FE/C4).
Indicator: The number of stems.
Period: The NFI2 survey period, between 2011 and 2015.
Unit of measurement: Piece per hectare.
Population: Only living, non-merchantable wood, regeneration stems are considered. They are of the artificial (planting, sowing) or natural origin. Stems of the natural origin have already formed a subsequent stand or they are suitable individuals occuring under a maternal stand in sufficient numbers, good site and stand condititions and they are appropriately spatially distributed. Non-merchantable wood stems are at least 10 cm tall with the dbh less than 7 cm overbark.
Definition: An average number of individuals (of the considered population) per hectare of the productive forest area within the considered territory. The productive forest area includes forest stands, cleared boundary lines up to 4 m, unpaved roads up to and including 4 m traffic lane width, watercourses up to 4 m in channel width, seedbeds and clearcuts belonging to the forest land category according to the FAO FRA (Forest Resource Assessment) definition. A regeneration forest area is a subset of a productive forest area. It is determined by the presence of one of the following growth stages: an unestablished or established plantation, natural seeding, advance growth, young growth or small pole stage (mean dbh up to 7 cm overbark), or it is alternatively determined by the presence of regeneration stems. Regeneration stems are all non-merchantable wood stems (high 10 cm and more, dbh up to 7 cm overbark) of the artificial origin (planting, sowing). There are included also non-merchantable wood stems of the natural origin which occur in suitable stand conditions and whose woody species, spatial distribution and density create preconditions for establishment of a new forest stand.
Area: Accessible part of the regeneration forest area within the whole area of interest (geographical domain). The forest land category corresponds with the definition of FAO FRA (Forest Resource Assessment).
Confidence interval: The confidence interval is constructed at a 95% confidence level (significance level alpha = 0.05).
Geographic domain type: Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics, level 0 + 1 – state.; Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics, level 3 – region.
Attribute domain: The group of conifers or broadleaves.

Attribute graph category selection: